Saturday, May 3, 2014

Spring Cleaning

I somehow got the incredible motivation to clean and organize my closet! This was a daunting task considering the odd closet space and obvious overflowing abundance of clothing. I had to go slow and take it step by step! It's all about allocating your favorite items and seasonal clothing and having those be the focus.

Step 1: Observe and take it all in!

Step 2: Go through and separate

I made three piles...

Penny made herself comfy in my winter pile!

Step 3: Separate and Organize

I stored away my winter items. I also put items I wear less often on the extra rack I have in the basement, and put the Goodwill pile in my car so I won't forget to drop them off. 

Finally I'm down to the fine tuning! I went through and separated all the hanging clothes. Jackets, skirts, dresses, shirts, and rompers. After that I colorized each segment (that's overkill, but it helps me find certain items)

I downsized a lot of my overwhelming amount of scarves down to ones I could see wearing for spring. It's hard at first to admit to yourself "I probably won't wear this again" or "I haven't worn this in over a year", but it is necessary and believe me you'll forget all about those pieces once you have a nice clean closet full of clothes you love!




The most daunting part of this organization was my shoes! It's not easy to utilize space and protect your shoes. I had to start from scratch and took them all down! I put them up on the shelf in order of how often I wear them. I also kept sandals with sandals, heels with heels, and booties with booties.

All in all I would say today was an absolute success! I am free of clutter and can make great use of my clothes. Now I just need to keep it that way...that's an entirely different battle.

Step 4: Relish in your hard work!

Found this jewelry holder at the Container store! I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who has too much jewelry for those little boxes!

(minus that shirt on the ground! AARON!!) 

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