Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Work Wear Wednesday: Neon

Another day another dollar. If you were looking for a work motto for the day, there ya go!
I had a fun time getting ready this morning, because I found these amazing neon pants that have been hiding for almost a year in my Spring wardrobe, they are also one piece from the top 10 remix challenge I'm following, details below! I love the bright fun color and they are super comfortable, which is key when dressing for work. I needed to pair them with something a little more subtle, since I'm not trying to burn my co-worker's retinas. I opted for this adorable new top from the Loft. I love pairing black and white with a pop of color, it really makes for a treat for the eyes!

Top 10 Remix Challenge:
From the fabulous mind behind Sarah's Real Life comes a great fashion challenge, check it out and join the fun!
Here's the gist: "All you have to do is pick ten things from your closet that you think are the epitome of your style, and then work at least one of those ten things into each outfit you wear for the month."


Get the look: 
PS. Both of these pants have a neon version, don't know why they won't show them, click the link to see!