Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Work Wear Wednesday: Highlighter Yellow

Yay for Wednesdays! I get a recharge on Wednesdays knowing that it's the middle of the week and there's only fun ahead. I'm having a blast coming up with some unique and fun looks for the Work Wear Wednesday and this beautiful weather doesn't hurt. I love this look for a couple different reasons. I love the funky color and pattern of the skirt, the pairing of yellow and the peach in the necklace, and lastly the style of sleeve on this shirt. This almost cap sleeve is trending right now and I just love it! It's very reminiscent of 70's style, which is just fine with me, because I love that era. I'd venture say that seventie's fashion is probably the most dominant era of inspiration for this years trends. What do you think?


ps. love the shadow on this! 

Get the look: