Saturday, June 14, 2014

Backstreets Back...Alright!

There are times that you just need to relive your childhood to get some perspective. Claire and I got to do just that at the Backstreet Boys concert! I had such a great time, met some really fun girls, and got to get down to the best of the bboys! Unfortunately, Brian did not find me in the lawn and declare his undying love, but I still got to drool over him on the jumbo-tron. 

On top of the amazing concert, I finally got my hair done! Lindsey gave me the perfect new look. I'm a sucker for changing my hair and this was exactly the change I needed. The ombre look might be on the fall, but I still love it.

Now I'm off to a wedding...happy weekend!


New do! Courtesy of the amazing Lindsey Brink!